
Belper & District

Badminton 2

Status:Active, open to new members
When: on Wednesday mornings
10:00 to 11:30
Venue: Ripley Leisure Centre

This group is only open to current Members of the Belper and District u3a

  • Where, when and how regularly we meet - Wednesday 10:00 to 11:30 at Belper Leisure Centre during school holidays and Ripley Leisure Centre during school term times.
  • Costs attached - £3 a week to cover shuttles and gym hire.
  • Who would enjoy it - Any U3A members returning to badminton or experienced players.
  • Materials/equipment required - Normal tennis or gym-wear: track-suit, gym shoes etc. racquets available.
  • What the group is aiming to do - Play badminton and create a social atmosphere.

This group currently has vacancies

Please contact the group co-ordinator by clicking on the blue link above.